child abduction - will there be justice?

      This is a true story all based on an unsubstantiated anonymous telephone call made to Arizona Child Protective Services. Phoenix police came to our apartment looking for our youngest child, Sonny who was 18 months at the time. Sonny was at his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house at the time. Police barged in with their guns drawn yelling at me, "Where's your boyfriend?!!" Gabe is Sonny's father. He was in the bathroom and when he came out police put a gun to his head. I remember the officer was holding the gun sideways pointed right at his head demanding our child. 

      Within an hour later Phoenix police went to Sonny's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house. They said they wanted to look around the house. They were looking for our child. Sonny's 80 year old Great Grandpa told police to go get a warrant if they wanted in his home. This was happening in a senior citizen golf community. Police had no right to come in without a warrant and had no reason to be there to begin with. Police said they would be back by 2pm with a warrant. We arrived after police left. We were all in shock about what was happening. We waited and waited in fear of what was happening. The police were so aggressive. What was going on? The police never came back with a warrant. We tried to get a police report about this incident. Great Grandma Mary called the chief of police and he said there was no report. We all thought that police wrote reports about everything they did. There was nothing. We wrote letters asking for a report and received a letter back saying there was no report. 

      Next Gabe, Great Grandma Mary and Monte, Sonny's grandpa decided it would be best if we ended all this "nonsense," as Great Grandpa called it and brought Sonny into the CPS office. This way we could show the caseworkers that he was happy, healthy and we were a normal family. I didn't go. I just couldn't go. I didn't want them to go. I was terrified and traumatized. I felt like I was being terrorized. I didn't trust anyone at this point. I didn't trust that woman who called us and said she had a report about child abuse. It was all too crazy. Gabe, Great Grandma and Monte were confident it would all be okay if they went in to talk to CPS with Sonny. I let them go. It had to end. It's really the only choice we had. The caseworker, Illona Nester Thompson said she would keep sending the police. She said she wasn't going to give us time to, "Doll him up." She had a foreign accent and was very aggressive and rude. When Gabe, Great Grandma Mary and Monte got to CPS, the caseworker, Illona Nester Thomson physically took Sonny from Great Grandma Mary to look him over. Then she outright refused to give him back. She handed Gabe and Great Grandma Mary an unsigned piece of paper stating it was a 'temporary custody order.' This paper did not have a judge's signature. It didn't even have the caseworker's signature. Gabe and Great Grandma Mary came home without Sonny. He was gone. Just like that. CPS took Sonny, adopted him out and we haven't seen him since.

      That happened in 2011. We've written hundreds of letters and made thousands of phone calls to every government and federal government agency stating exactly what happened. The FBI said over the phone that there's nothing they can do, "If it's CPS." All the child help organizations and child justice groups ignored us and most are affiliated with the state. CPS kept telling us to call the ombudsmen. The ombudsmen is affiliated with CPS. CPS is the state government. We thought the FBI's job was to look into state corruption and illegal actions. Now it's the year 2021. My once happy healthy baby is gone based on an "anonymous unsubstantiated telephone call." 

     This all happened just days after we reported real child abuse to CPS and the police. We even brought abusive images of children to the Phoenix FBI. These images were found on a desktop computer given to me by my ex husband, Daniel Mcelhaney after our divorce. Horrifying pictures taken by my ex husband. He is still free. No arrests and he has probably abused hundreds of other children since I reported him over a decade ago. That was just the beginning. 
