
Showing posts from May, 2021

child abduction - will there be justice?

      This is a true story all based on an unsubstantiated anonymous telephone call made to Arizona Child Protective Services. Phoenix police came to our apartment looking for our youngest child, Sonny who was 18 months at the time. Sonny was at his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house at the time. Police barged in with their guns drawn yelling at me, "Where's your boyfriend?!!" Gabe is Sonny's father. He was in the bathroom and when he came out police put a gun to his head. I remember the officer was holding the gun sideways pointed right at his head demanding our child.        Within an hour later Phoenix police went to Sonny's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house. They said they wanted to look around the house. They were looking for our child. Sonny's 80 year old Great Grandpa told police to go get a warrant if they wanted in his home. This was happening in a senior citizen golf community. Police had no right to come in without a warrant and h