
Showing posts from September, 2022

Love and protection

     I miss you so much. I woke up this morning with my heart sunk into my stomach. I can't breathe but I have to get up. I'm stuck on those cold Colorado mornings when you were a baby and I would bundle you up so cute. It was just me and you. I took you everywhere. We went to Target everyday. We went to the gym. They put you in the swing while I taught spin class. I remember picking you up after my class. I was so happy to see you. I was in amazement and couldn't wait to hold you. That was the longest hour. I thought about you the whole time. I picked up out of the swing and you spit up on me. I remember the daycare worker telling me it was good I looked good in gray.      There was a girl in my spin class who had horses. She invited me to riding and I finally agreed. She had a beautiful place and I went once. Horseback riding is one of my favorite things. I had a great time but couldn't stand to be apart from my baby. I brought you with me to jury duty. They reprimand