
Showing posts from March, 2021

03/09/2021 Learning to Focus

03/09/2021       I'm learning how to bring my mind back to focus through law of attraction. Abraham Hicks taught me I can change my thoughts in 17 seconds. I use this everyday. Today in the car I started thinking, "You stole my kids. You stole my life. You fucking fucks! 14 years later & no arrests. Fuck you FBI!" Then I have to think how Abraham teaches, "No, don't think like that. Take 17 seconds to reset your thoughts." Breathe in, breathe out a few times. Keep driving. Look around. Look at the stuff I just bought. Anything. I started thinking about the Brillo scour pads I bought at Dollar Tree and what I'm going to do with them. "I can't wait to clean up that beautiful glass Starbucks cup. Then I can list it on Ebay tonight. I wonder how long it will take to sell. I wonder if anything sold today. I'm going to check as soon as I get home." 17 seconds later I have new momentum and good vibrations. Now just keep it flowing.